My Free T-Girl Pics

My girlfriend Latricia is a professional photographer.  Sometimes she invites me over to her studio for fun photo sessions.  I can’t show all my photos here but subscribe to my newsletter (coming soon), verify that you’re over age 18 and I’ll share some of my intimate pictures with you.

My Photos

Please check back .  I’ll be adding more photos soon! Sign up for my personal e-mails where I share my personal thoughts, private photos and more tips on how to meet and romance your special t-girls.  I never, ever share your information or send spam e-mails.  You can opt-out anytime, but why would you want to do that?  ; )

49 thoughts on “My Photos”

  1. Jesus Christ it must get very old readin all those dudes sayin pretty much, all the same things! I mean,I almost fell in love w/ ya da 1st time I laid eyes on ya when ya hooked up your guide for me my phone wouldn’t support,but I knew you’re attractive enough to be so informed by many others & it really depressed me, but had absolutely it’d be that many! If I were u, I’d be so fuckin vain, not even half the beautiful words you told’d ever cross my mind! I bet your ego’s so incomparable to anybody’s! What part of USA holds such a knockout, to put things politely? Oh ya, it’s Scott W in Ark!

  2. Hi amber butifull photos of you if i was yunger and lived over the ide cort you if you were single and despert to go with someone like me my nethue has just put me back on facebook i would like to frend you if i could but i havent worked that out yet hope to hear from you with antisipatin neil

  3. hi sweety
    I can not express what i see … the beauty, humor, a human of deep feeling feminine
    ,, You .. you ….are end of the words , letters, and fade lines before I can write about you
    You are my heart because you take my hand to the safe side value by your directions for a better life … You are beautiful….kiss

  4. hi Amber
    im new here and i was looking at your pics!!! you are very good looking and very pretty i have to say i have a lot of favorite pics!!!!
    thank you

  5. Thank you sweetie!

  6. Dear Amber,
    You were right I am a “Admirer” of all beautiful T-Girl’s and if any man won’t treat T-Girl’s like the “Ladies” they are at their lost. Your “T-Girl Dating Guide” has open doors for me to fine that loving connection with the T-Girl of my dreams. All ladies want men to be sincere at all times, I will send you a copy of my profile one day soon.


    Thank you dearly AMBER,

  7. You look great, wish I was your age. But then I wish for allot of things mostly just for Happiness.
    Thanks for Sharing, You go Girl : )

  8. Hi Amber! u are so beautiful, hw i wish i can have babe like u. u are absolutely gorgeous,pls post your photo.

  9. Amber, what can i Say? but, your truely a gravasious sexc and fine. So when aqe we geting together to have that photo shoot done together.

  10. Hugs & Kisses for you sweetie 😉

    Thank you for making me smile.

    ~ Amber Lynn

  11. Thank you hunny 😉

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